Access to Care for People with Disabilities

Access to Care for People with Disabilities

Breaking Down Barriers to Care
The Facts About Oral Healthcare for People with Disabilities

Henry Schein Supports Individuals with Disabilities

For decades, Henry Schein has worked to advance health equity for underserved and underrepresented groups by catalyzing impactful public-private partnerships. As part of this work, we strive to shine a light on the pressing needs of the disability community—a population that is not only large and growing, but also largely invisible—and the innovative ways that public-private partnerships can powerfully address its needs.

We do this work through our comprehensive approach of raising awareness of the need, helping to improve access to culturally competent care, advocating for needed policy changes, and deepening our relationships with our customers and suppliers. Together, we can transform the lives of both patients and providers as well as the vibrancy of communities.

30th Anniversary of ADA - View here »

As a trusted advisor, Henry Schein is uniquely able to convene stakeholders across multiple sectors to:

Catalyze public-private partnerships to raise awareness of the importance of oral health for people with disabilities and increase access to care.

Project Accessible Oral Health

Project Accessible Oral Health

In 2017, Henry Schein was one of the founding members of the organization Project Accessible Oral Health. PAOH is a global public-private partnership and the first to nationally assemble and connect a consortium of dental and medical professionals, corporations, organizations, policymakers, educators, people with disabilities, caregivers, and other stakeholders in pursuit of equal access to culturally competent oral healthcare. The Project's mission is to act as a collective catalyst for change that will not only improve access to oral healthcare, but also ultimately improve the overall health of the disability community. PAOH and its interconnected partners are uniquely positioned to end this injustice through three strategic pillars: Policy, Education and Advocacy/Awareness.



As The Voice of Dental Education, ADEA's mission is to lead and support the health professions community in preparing future-ready oral health professionals.

Educate providers, policy makers, third party payers, and the public.

Henry Schein Dental Academy Webinar Series

Henry Schein Dental Academy Webinar Series

Good oral health care is crucial for everyone, especially for the more vulnerable patient populations. In this educational webinar series, we'll tackle the complexities of providing dental care for a variety of individuals, including properly treating senior patients, patients with disabilities or conditions such as HIV, cancer, or cardiac issues, and more.

Special Olympics

Special Olympics

Henry Schein is so proud to support Special Olympics Healthy Athletes programs which offers free health screenings and education to Special Olympic athletes, adults and children with intellectual disabilities. The screenings are performed by trained volunteers and offer eight types of screenings: MedFest (history and physical exam), Special Olympics Lions Club International Opening Eyes (vision/eye health), Healthy Hearing (audiology), Special Smiles (oral health), Health Promotion (prevention and nutrition), Strong Minds (emotion health), FUNfitness (physical therapy), and Fit Feet (podiatry). Healthy Athletes is not only a program for athletes but, through training and hands-on experience at screenings, it is a program for healthcare students and professionals to increase knowledge of best practices in caring for and communicating with people with intellectual disabilities. These screenings make a huge impact in the lives of volunteers and athletes. Additionally, Henry Schein continues to support Special Olympics as they advocate for the health equity of individuals with IDD especially during COVID-19.

The Viscardi Center

The Viscardi Center

The Viscardi Center educates, employs, and empowers youth, adults, and veterans with disabilities or similar needs, so they can all discover the love of learning, the power of work, the freedom of independent living, and the self-confidence to fulfill our dreams. The vision of The Viscardi Center is to accelerate a more accessible, inclusive world for all people. Henry Schein Cares has partnered to donate necessary medical supplies and equipment that The Viscardi Center's nurses and therapists use to assist students every day; attended several recruiting fairs; and challenge the Henry Viscardi School's Varsity Cougars in wheelchair basketball with the Henry's Cup.



Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities is dedicated to providing transformative care for individuals with disabilities, empowering their families and promoting social inclusion.

Catalyze stakeholders and lawmakers to address oral health care inequities, increase dental care coverage, and improve reimbursement to providers.

Santa Fe Group

Santa Fe Group

The Santa Fe Group is a 501(c) (3), action-oriented think tank with a passion to improve lives through oral health. Since its inception 25 years ago, the Santa Fe Group has been instrumental as a neutral convener, communicator, connector and catalyst to move the needle on critical issues such as oral cancer, dental education reform, children's oral health, improved primary care access, the importance of linking medical and dental health systems, and most recently, expanding oral healthcare for our nation's seniors.