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Supplies: 4

  1. CaviWipes 2.0 Surface Disinfectant X-Large Canister 65/Cn CaviWipes 2.0 Surface Disinfectant X-Large Canister 65/Cn

    CaviWipes 2.0 Surface Disinfectant X-Large Canister 65/Cn 1403082EDR | Metrex/TotalCare — 14-1150

  2. CaviWipes HP Surface Disinfectant Large Canister 160/Cn CaviWipes HP Surface Disinfectant Large Canister 160/Cn

    CaviWipes HP Surface Disinfectant Large Canister 160/Cn 6400122EDR | Metrex/TotalCare — 16-1100

  3. CaviWipes HP Surface Disinfectant X-Large Canister 65/Cn CaviWipes HP Surface Disinfectant X-Large Canister 65/Cn

    CaviWipes HP Surface Disinfectant X-Large Canister 65/Cn 1425192EDR | Metrex/TotalCare — 16-1150

  4. CaviWipes Surface Disinfectant Large Canister 160/Cn CaviWipes Surface Disinfectant Large Canister 160/Cn

    CaviWipes Surface Disinfectant Large Canister 160/Cn 6402805EDR | Metrex/TotalCare — 13-1100

*Promo valid for one-time use per customer. Offers valid through .

Note: Pricing may vary after login. Exclusions may apply. Final prices may vary based on customer's pricing plan. May not be combined with any other offers. Discount and special offer(s) valid for private practice offices only. Excludes all DSOs, group practices, community health centers, federal entities, hospital based dental clinics, primary and dental assisting schools and correctional facilities. If you are a patient or consumer, please contact your local Dental Professional about purchasing any products shown on our website.